1. The OKL4 Programming Enviroment
a. The primary purpose of the OKL4 programming environment is the execution of programs organized as one or
more tasks, each of which runs in a separate address space and consists of one or more threads.
(해석 : OKL4 Programming Enviroment의 주된 목적은 독립된 주소공간에서 수행되고 하나 또는 여러개의 Thread로 구성된
하나 또는 그 이상의 Task들로 조직된 프로그램들의 수행이다.)
b. Address spaces implement the OKL4 memory abstraction.
- facilitates the management of both physical memory and memory-mapped system resources.
(물리적 메모리와 Memory-mapped 시스템 리소스의 관리를 쉽게한다.)
- provides a virtualization layer that simplifies programming
(프로그래밍을 단순화하는 가상화 레이어를 제공한다.)
- enforces the fault isolation policy
(fault 격리정책을 시행한다.)
c. OKL4 threads can be viewed as a sequence of machine instructions operating on a virtual-state composed of a set of virtual register
(OKL4 thread들은 가상레지스터의 집합으로 구성된 가상-상태상에서 머신인스트럭스수행의 흐름으로볼 수 있다.)
- Each thread has a separate copy of all virtual registers which may be accessed and modified both synchronously by the sequence of machine instructions in the thread and asynchronously by the other threads using the OKL4 system calls.
(각각의 thread는 모든 가상 레지스터의 분리된 복사본을 가진다. 복사본은 thread내에서 동기적으로, 다른 thread에서는 system call로 비동기적으로 접근되고 수정될 것이다.)
* design to~ (~하는 것을 마음먹다, ~하는 것을 목적을 품다.)
d. OKL4 facilitates communication between threads via the use of the inter-process communications(IPC) mechanism.
- The OKL4 IPC facility allows the exchange of short messages comprising of zero or more words between two threads.
(OKL4 IPC 용이함은 두 thead간에 0또는 그 이상의 word들을 구성하는 짧은 메세지의 교환을 허용한다.)
- The message exchange is always unbuffered and synchronous and both the sender and receiver must explicitly indicate their willingness to participate, using an appropriate invocation of the Ipc system call
(메세지 교환은 항상 unbuffered이고 동기적이고 수신자와 송신자는 적절한 IPC system call을 호출해서 명백하게 참여의사를 나타내야 한다.)
- This makes the OKL4 IPC mechanism extremely light-weight despite its flexibility, which is the key to the high performance of the OKL4 microkernel.
(이것은 OKL4 IPC mechanism이 복잡함에도 불구하고 극단적으로 가볍게 만든다.(위에 내용이...)
OKL4 마이크로커널의 높은 퍼포먼스의 열쇠이다.)
- This design of IPC also allows the ipc system call to be used as a powerful synchronization mechanism.
- The OKL4 IPC mechanism is also used to abstract over many cases of asynchronous communication incluing page faults and hardware exception.
e. overlap
- Two address spaces are said to overlap if they are the same address space, or if a portion of each address space has been mapped to the same physical memory using the MapControl system call
2. OKL4 API Elements
- The OKL4 API consists of a number of interface elements that allow user programs to access features of the OKL4 microkernel.
(OKL4 API는 커널에 접근하기 위한 user program을 허용하는 얼마간의 인터페이스 요소로 구성된다.)
a. Address space and threads.
b. Data types, data constructors, and data fields
c. System parameters
d. Virtual registers
e. System calls
f. Communication protocols
3. Compatibility between OKL4 Versions
4. Variants of the OKL4 API
5. Microkernel Extensions and Compatibility
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